REDETE 2012 -


October 25 - 27, 2012.


UNIVERZITET ZA POSLOVNE STUDIJE Banja Luka Prof. dr Žarko Ristić, rektor +38163233090 KRIZA GLOBALIZMA, TRANZICIONA RECESIJA I SMIŠLJENA EKONOMSKA KRIZA CRISIS OF GLOBALISM, TRANSITIONAL RECESSION AND THE DELIBERATE ECONOMIC CRISIS Abstract By \"special methods\" of the global world, a lot has been done in terms of transforming the economies of the Asian tigers into Latin-American chaos, and the leaders of the “conservative revolution” of today, who overly trust the free market, say that the hungry children “need to learn responsibility and discipline and to realize that no one owns them anything; they need to get only what is in the market, nothing more”. The world economic scene, therefore, is ruled by a collection of cynics who create and impose economic theories, based on “paid” projects of transition, privatization and liberalization in the form of globalizing “ignorance” and mundialization of “betrayed profession” In this context, the global hawks seek establishment of complete control over citizens, natural resources and capital in form of democratic regulation of planetary trends and transnational businesses (interests). This mundialistic trend is followed by a dangerous gap between a forced “end of a national state” and megalomaniac thrive towards “proliferation of week states”, with the absence of effective global democratic institutions. Is this the “globalization with a face” and what is left from the theory of “sustainable development”, which promotes the environmentally bearable and socially just and efficient economy? Keywords:globalism, sustainable development, transitional recession, economic recession, Eurozone , reganomics.

Key words:
globalism, sustainable development, transitional recession, economic recession, Eurozone , reganomics.

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